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We at ESports4G, provide essential services to the gaming community around the world.. We have the vision to be the largest gaming marketplace in India and cover the needs of every gamer in the country.
The term Esports is an umbrella term for professional competitive gaming.
Competition in video games is akin to competition in traditional games. This implies that the organization of esports is similar to that of traditional sports but operates through technology. Enjoyment and balance in esports are the keys to its success. It keeps the players from losing interest.
In India, esports is gradually gaining roots, particularly among the youth. Gaming giants are stepping into the Indian gaming market which now ranks among the top 15 gaming countries. However, esports do not get appropriate recognition in the country. Owing to the fact that we are a developing country, much focus is on earning money. Games and sports are regarded as a sheer waste of time and money. This leads to the disregard of games by the parents as well. They consider gaming not so useful and often abhor their children playing games. Esports4g in India are taking a firm stand with the introduction of real-time gaming and the increasing prospects of a gaming career in the field. Yet there is a lot to achieve before we reach a milestone. But the only fact that remains true to its being is that gaming is the future. It can take the world to new heights with the multitude of benefits it offers.
We welcome every single gamer to join our community and boost gaming in India like never before.